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2012-09-12, I have to say, I've shed tears over how difficult this thing is to isnert. I mean, I've gotten it right a handful of times. I tried four months in a row, every day, and gave up after that - it's been sitting in my bathroom cabinet since then. Sometimes I can tell that I got it right, and sometimes I can't, and a few hours later, there it is, slowly sliding out and poking me in difficult places. I was very disheartened. Maybe I'll try again with the standing-up-to-insert technique? I also found that no matter what, it needs to go in tilted to the left. I feel like maybe I've got a weird shape *down there*. And in terms of heavy flow, sometimes I have to change it every 3 hours. Yikes. Pretty difficult when I'm at work and have to use the shared bathroom. How do you explain to the woman at the sink next to you what you're doing, washing out this, um, very graphically messy thing? :) I love the idea of it. The reality, for me, is a little harder to deal with.
2012-09-13, YaV0DN gpllbubiqrek
2012-09-16, Ft0Uwe , [url=http://iuqfyuphzbnq.com/]iuqfyuphzbnq[/url], [link=http://aglrxwpxywma.com/]aglrxwpxywma[/link], http://qkmikzknvenf.com/
2015-07-29, Sirin dit :Je suis comple8tement d accord avec Hoiu ! L e9toile est tre8s jolie au final mais les meresus sont comple8tement ale9atoires ! Ce tuto ne sert absolument e0 rien !
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